
En fuktig smörig äppelkaka toppad med pajsmulor. Servera den med glass, vispgrädde eller vaniljmassa.

Äpplen är inte riktigt keto men om du bara använder mindre mängder som denna i en kaka blir den totala mängden kolhydrater per portion ganska liten. Halleluja 🙌

Jag lade till ett Fat-Pack nötsmör i pajsmulan för en fantastisk smak. Kanelen i nötsmöret passar så bra till äpplena här. Men om du inte har det kan du bara hoppa över det 😊

Keto desserts
Keto diet



1 apple

175 g butter

1/2 cup (1 dl) erythritol

1/4 cup (0,5 dl) brown sugar replacement (I use Sukrin Gold)

1 tsp bourbon vanilla bean powder

3 egg

1 cup (2,5 dl) almond flour

1/2 cup (1 dl) coconut flour

0,5 tsp cinnamon

0,5 tsp cardamom

Pie crumble:

50g butter (room temp)

1/2 cup (1 dl) almond flour

2,5 tbsp erythritol

1/2 cup (1 dl) coconut flakes

1 pouch Fat-Pack nut butter (40g) from @friendlyfatcompany

0,5 tsp bourbon vanilla bean powder



Almond flakes


  1. Set the oven on 374°F / 175°C

  2. Shred half an apple fine and add to a bowl.

  3. Melt the butter in a sauce pan. Let cool and pour over the apples. Add the rest of the ingredients for the cake and blend together with a large spoon.

  4. Pour the cake in a round oven form. One that you can open on the side.

  5. Slice half an Apple and press down in the cake.

  6. Add all the ingredients for the pie crumble in a bowl and mix well with your hands. Cover the cake with crumbles.

  7. Sprinkle some cinnamon and cardamom on top. Bake in the oven for about 30-35 minutes.

Written by Camilla Henriksen Founder The Friendly Fat Co. Keto nerd and health hacker.