Low carb snacks and supplements made with 100% natural ingredients and healthy fats. No sugar. No bullshit.

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"I am a plant based athlete and only use top quality products. The MCT powder gives me the extra energy I need to fuel me for my training sessions. The Nut butter is my favorite to snack on throughout the day.”

Carlos Varona
Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt Professor, founder of The Flow Academy

"Adding a spoon of MCT in my coffee has become a part of my morning routine. I also use the nut butter in my post-workout shakes, and my daughters love it too!”

Robert Carlsson
Mountainbiker & Martial artist

"I always recommend MCT-powder to my clients for quick and sustained energy and overall wellbeing. I'm surprised to find an MCT-powder of this quality and with so pure ingredients.”

Lars Åstrand
Lic. Naprapath and Dietician. Former elite soccer player and personal trainer

"I am a plant based athlete and only use top quality products. The MCT powder gives me the extra energy I need to fuel me for my training sessions. The Nut butter is my favorite to snack on throughout the day.”

Carlos Varona
Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt Professor, founder of The Flow Academy

"Adding a spoon of MCT in my coffee has become a part of my morning routine. I also use the nut butter in my post-workout shakes, and my daughters love it too!”

Robert Carlsson
Mountainbiker & Martial artist

"I always recommend MCT-powder to my clients for quick and sustained energy and overall wellbeing. I'm surprised to find an MCT-powder of this quality and with so pure ingredients.”

Lars Åstrand
Lic. Naprapath and Dietician. Former elite soccer player and personal trainer


Max 5g carbs per serving


No additives or junk fillers


Nutrient rich & lasting energy

The world is a happier place when people are feeling awesome!