Collagen MCT-Powder

Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
25 Recensioner
Ingredients & nutritional info

For glowing & smooth skin. Collagen is a must for anyone looking to boost their skin, nails, muscles, and hair. We make ours from wild caught fish and mix it with vitamin C & D for best effect. 300g.

  • For glowing skin
  • Prevent wrinkles
  • Boost hair and nails

299.00 SEK

100 % natural
Keto friendly
Gluten free
Dairy free
No sugar


Marine hydrolized collagen,
MCT-oil from coconut,
Acacia fiber,
Acerola extract,
Vitamin D3 from algae

Aging decreases your collagen production

From age 25 your natural collagen production decreases, and since 75% of your skin is made up of collagen you will sooner or later notice the effects on your skin. A daily collagen supplementation can help boost your skin and maintain it's normal function.

For glowing hair

Collagen can help increase blood flow to your scalp leading to production of new and strong hair, as well as preventing dry hair.

Support nails, muscles & bones

Just like your hair and skin, your nails, bones, and muscle tissue need collagen for optimal function. Collagen is really an important corner stone for overall wellbeing.

Keeps blood sugar balanced

Our collagen blend also has added MCT powder that will stabilize your bloodsugar and help you you stay energized throughout the day, while glowing like never before.


Super clean formula

No fillers or additives. Only pure and top quality ingredients.

Keto friendly

Boosted with C8 MCT-oil to keep the blood sugar balanced.

9g protein per serving

One serving (15g) includes 9g protein and 4g MCT.

From wild caught fish

We use marine collagen (type 1) from wild caught North Atlantic fish.

With vitamin C & D

Vitamin-C is necessary to form collagen, so we've added natural vitamin C from the Acerola berry, and a daily dose of vitamin D3 from algae. Especially good for those of us that get too little sunshine.

What is MCT?

Collagen is a protein, and a major building block in our skin, bones, muscles, and ligaments. It’s basically what holds our whole body together. As we age, our bodies own production of collagen decreases which leads to wrinkles and stiff joints.


To get a daily skin boost

Include 2 scoops in your daily routine for better skin and hair, and smoother muscles and joints.

For glowing hair

Collagen can stimulate the production of new and healthy hair while also preventing dry hair.

Support muscles and nails

Your nails and muscles also need collagen for optimal function. Collagen is an important corner stone for your whole body.

Keep your bloodsugar stable

Feeling tired in the afternoons? MCT boosts your energy and keeps your blood sugar stable for longer.


Add 2-3 scoops to water and sweep
Add to your coffee or tea
Mix in smoothies & shakes
Or add power to other snacks
Add 2-3 scoops to water and sweep
Add to your coffee or tea
Mix in smoothies & shakes
Or add power to other snacks


What is Collagen?

Collagen is a protein that makes up as much as 30% of all the protein in our bodies and is one of the major building blocks in our bones, muscles, skin, tendons and ligaments.

You could say it is the glue that holds our whole body together, keeping our skin healthy and elastic and keeping our joints and tendons strong and flexible.

Collagen is also found in the connective tissues of animal foods such as chicken and pork but also in their bones. Collagen can also be found in fish skin, which we know as marine collagen, and is said to be the most bioavailable source of collagen supplements.

Collagen supplement from animal skin usually comes in the form of a white powder called hydrolyzed collagen which means the amino acids has been broken down to shorter units which is supposed to be easier for the body to absorb and it also makes it dissolve easier in hot and cold drinks.

There are about 16 types of collagen but type 1, 2 and 3 are the most common with type 1 constituting 90% of the total collagen in our bodies.

Why should I use Collagen?

As we age the body’s own production of collagen decreases and we break it down faster than we can replace it. It is estimated that we lose about 1% of our collagen per year in our mid-20s and as much as 30% during the first 5 years of menopause in women.

Supplementing with collagen can improve skin, hair and nails. But also support bone density, flexible joints and ligaments, ease arthritis symptoms and promote wound healing among other things.

Since collagen builds up our connective tissue and works as a protective lining on delicate organs some medicine practitioners also advocate using collagen supplements to treat leaky gut syndrome since it helps to strengthen the gut wall which is crucial for a healthy gut.

How much should I take?

One recommended serving size is 15g (3 scoops) per day to get optimal results. The fastest way to consume it is to blend it with a little bit of water and sweep.

What our friends think

Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
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96%skulle rekommendera den här produkten
25 recensioner
  • FP
    Fedja P.
    Verifierad köpare
    Jag rekommenderar den här produkten
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    1 månad sedan
    Bra med extra protein 👍

    Bra konsistens och enkel att dosera, perfekt för smoothie/glass eller i min morgonmatcha

  • MN
    Marie-Christine N.
    Verifierad köpare
    Jag rekommenderar den här produkten
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    3 månader sedan
    Bra produkt!

    Jag har använt denna produkt i flera år och är helt nöjd med både form/sammansättning och resultat.

    Översatt från franska
  • AW
    Anders W.
    Verifierad köpare
    Jag rekommenderar den här produkten
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    3 månader sedan
    en kopp kaffe en skopa kollagen

    I kaffet på morgonen ingen smak men bra för kroppen

  • MR
    Marina R.
    Verifierad köpare
    Jag rekommenderar den här produkten
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    4 månader sedan
    Hög kvalitet boost för glödande hår, hud och så mycket mer

    Jag har använt detta kollagen ett tag och det här är min absoluta favorit. Förutom hög kvalitet har den också fantastiska ingredienser och är lätt att blanda med yoghurt eller mjölk. Detta kollagen hjälpte mig att återhämta mig efter min andra födelse (vävnader behöver verkligen kollagen för att komma tillbaka till det normala), stödja mitt hår (postpartum alopeci är inte ett skämt) och naglar.

    Även efter framgångsrik återhämtning fortsätter jag att använda denna produkt varje dag, för efter tjugoårsåldern saktar kollagenproduktionen i kroppen ner och vi behöver extra externa källor. Det är därför jag också rekommenderar det till varje klient i min coachningspraxis, eftersom vi alla måste öka våra kollagenlager för att hålla oss friska 💙

    Översatt från engelska
  • SW
    Stéphie W.
    Verifierad köpare
    Jag rekommenderar den här produkten
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    11 månader sedan
    Vers berömd

    Jag älskar den här produkten jag kan inte leva utan den

    Mycket mycket utmärkt 👌👌👌

    Översatt från engelska
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